This past Saturday at the
Union Square Greenmarket the stand had a large variety of Micro-Greens. The fields are also starting to produce, so not only are we having different varieties of edibles at market, but a diversity of prices!
Above there is Micro Mesclun,
Red Amaranth, Micro-Frisee, Purple Radish, Hong-Vit, Buckwheat Greens, Micro Mizuna, Micro Tat Soi, Micro Hon Tsai Tai, Micro Purple Mizuna, Micro Ruby Streaks, Micro Red Mustard, Micro Pepper Cress,
Corn Shoots, Micro Red Russian Kale, Baby Dandelion, Mini Golden Purslane, Shungiku(edible Chrisanthemum), Claytonia, Sorrel, White Pea Shoots, Pea Greens, Mache, Sylvetta Arugula, Baby Arugula, and Mesclun!
There were also fair amounts of larger Arugula, Spinach, Dandelion, Mesclun,
Pea Shoots and...gosh, I can't really think right now! Oh, there was also a large amount of
Nasturtiums, Impatiens, Arugula blossoms, and Mustard flowers to spice up and beautify your salads and sandwiches.